NITAAC Reimagines IT Acquisitions with Brand Refresh
Welcome to the newly refreshed NITAAC website at nitaac.nih.gov. I am proud to have launched a refreshed experience that will change how agencies acquire new technology. We have designed our new website with you, the user, in mind so that you can find the resources you need to get your next IT procurement off the ground and moving. To this end, we have enhanced our search capabilities for tools, templates, events and contract holders, making it even easier for you to easily access the information you need.
And, because the federal workforce is becoming increasingly mobile, we have incorporated all of these changes into a flexible and responsive design that is accessible from any device so that the information you need is always at your fingertips.
Feel free to email us to let us know how you like the design and functionality at NITAACsupport@nih.gov.