eClinicalWorks EMR IT Support
The Pediatric Care Center contracted A&T Systems (A&T) to provide the procurement, installation and ongoing maintenance of the hardware necessary to support the eClinicalWorks applications for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Practice Management configured in an .asp environment. Scope of Work includes providing assistance with installation, configuration and ongoing maintenance management of all aspects of the hardware, network and security infrastructure for the eCW environment at each participating pediatric practice in accordance with the guidelines established by eCW and CNMC. Support consists of Design, Operations, Monitoring and Maintenance of a Local Area Network consisting of a Firewall, VPN, Router, Wireless Access Point, Networked Printer, Servers, Various Desktop, Tablet and Laptop Devices. Providers on call have the ability to VPN into their office environment for access to Practice Management and EMR Progress notes. A&T supports this client environment with IT Technical Support including network and system design, configuration of new and re-existing devices, integration software installation, server support services including upgrades, patches maintenance and troubleshooting and general technical support of the LAN, Firewall, Routers, Desktops, Laptops and Tablets.